Steampunk Multiverse Wiki

The Theory of Multiverse Homogency is a radical hypothesis amongst Multiverse researchers that the Multiverse itself has a form of self preservation intelligence. The theory postulates that several events and facets of the Multiverse show that there is a semi intelligent aspect of the entire Multiverse that causes the events neccesaary to keep the Multiverse intact. That some how the Multiverse knows when it's existance is threatened even eons in advance and can influence universes to take the steps to save the greater Multiverse.

Primary evidence for this theory is the following:

The First Fork Incident.[]

Many scholars argue that the fact that a multitude of Realities exist at all is proof that the Multiverse is an evolutionary survival mechanism of existance. Much like ealry microbial life in most worlds learn to celluar seperate and reproduce the primary Reality Genesis simply made a copy of itself becuase it's future was uncertain and the Genesis universe made "a choice" to replicate and improve the survival odds of existance. Many Theologians say this proves the existence of their various dieties instead of the idea that Existence itself is semi intelligent.

The Leadership Corollary of V.E. 1[]

T he year 1 V.E. saw the appearance of numerous prominant figures in millions of societies across the Multiverse. Those prominant figures led their societies into great periods of advancement or disaster but always to the benefit of the greater Multiverse and it's stability. Supporters of Multiverse Homogeny claim that so many heavily inluencing beings at the same moment across hundreds of Realities cannot be a coincidence.

The Horrific Calamity[]

The Horrific Calamity claimed the lives of billions of mystical and specteral beings across the Multiverse. Though it was caused by the actions of the Elder Fae similar ritualistic destructions have been thwarted or simply failed since. Little is known of the Horrific Calamity other than it brought down the might of magic using Realities before they seized the power to create universes; an act that many scholars believe could shatter the fabric of existence.

The Tragedy of the Time Walkers[]

The Time Walker race has ebbed and flowed with the evolution of the Multiverse. Appearing shortly after the First Fork Incident they have been ever present sheperds of the Realities and care takers of the paths that connect them. Their mysterious population lives for millenia but has been close to extintion more than once only to increase when the Multiverse had need. Supporters of Multiverse Homogeny claim that the Time Walker may be the "immune system" of the Multiverse cultivating it across the eons. This connection however has a dark component as the steady disappearance of the Time Walkers in modern times shows the Multiverse has outgrown them and now uses other beings to preserve itself.