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Steampunk Multiverse Wiki

The World Card of the Tarot commonly represents the Theocracy as a whole and the office of the Prolocutor

The Prolocutor is a position within the Arcane Theocracy that holds an unusual status. The Prolocutor organizes and coordinates the conducting of business for the Council of 21. The most notorious and powerful cabal of villains in the Multiverse and the masters of the Arcane Theocracy. As such the Prolocutor has one of the most difficult jobs in the Multiverse, they must organize the mad, violent, and cunning villains of the Council into a decision making body for the good of the Theocracy and villainy everywhere.

On the Council[]

The Prolocutor sits as the non voting secretary and chair person of the Council of 21 alerting the members of votes and running the Occularium when one is called for. The Prolocutor is responsible for over seeing the completing of the Shuffling when called for as to assure all of the empty seats have been filled. The Prolocutor controls the flow and execution of business by the Council but not it's agenda. The Prolocutor can introduce no business save the Shuffling and no item presented by consideration by the council can be ignored. While this makes the Council erratic and unpredictable, the Rigid administration of the Houses means the Theocracy remains consistent. In this way the Prolocutor performs another service in relaying to the House Royalty the parts of Council Acts that will aide their work and downplaying the eccentric orders that could do harm to the Theocracy. The Prolocutor is considered the Voice of the Average Villain (the World) and they have all been drafted to the position since it's creation eons ago.

Perks of the Job[]

The Prolocutor enjoys considerable wealth and great influence in the Theocracy. All of the lairs and palaces the Council maintains are under the custodianship of the Prolocutor as are the executive bodyguards deployed for Council functions. The most notable benefit of the position of Prolocutor is that the sorcerous incantations that bind the Prolocutor to the Council also confer limited immortality. The Prolocutor gains the ability to regenerate injuries and shrug off natural cause of death for as long they hold the office. Once the office is retired the immortality is withdrawn and the former Prolocutor ages the years withstood during immortality in seconds often leading to their death.