The Empress is the most ancient and powerful member of the Council 21. It was she who held the Theocracy in wait for centuries secretly giving the upstart Dark Order just enough power and resources to wage their wasteful war with the Grand Alliance of Free Worlds and stepped from the shadow with her newly reformed Council of 21 to seize dominance in the Nightmare Realms. The Empress is rumored to have been forged from the dreams of Cthulhu to serve the old ones themselves as their Scion in in Time and Space. She goes by no other name than her title as she rules a dozens of dimensions of dominated subjects who worship her as the mother of Villainy.
It is believed the Empress is in fact several centuries old and has powerful and resourceful servants spread across the Multiverse. She is nigh Immortal having the ability to take a new body with the passing of the one she inhabits now.
As with most Demigods the Empress is somewhat emotionally unpredictable. While cunning and intelligent she is known to display terrible rage when provoked. She exhibits an almost mother like approach to the villains of the Multiverse and refers to them as her "children". She often speaks with and deals with her subordinates in a bipolar display of motherhood; caring nurturer when villains serve her purposes, merciless disciplinarian when they fail or defy her. She is most adept at manipulating the Council of 21 and has shrewdly used politics and inner council rivalries to maintain control of the Theocracy through several Occulariums and Shufflings over the centuries.
Known Agenda[]
The Empress has manipulated the Council for years but now fears there may be real challenges to her power, there are murmurs of replacing the long dead Emperor with a new seat holder and The Shuffling may diminish her control of the House Royalty.