Steampunk Multiverse Wiki
Steampunk Multiverse Wiki

The Aspiring Admiral has waited a long time and worked very hard to get to this Occularium. Years spent working up through the ranks of the dark Fleets. Treachery, politics, and deception served the Admiral well in acquiring a force of five Battle Groups and using them to vicious effectiveness against the Grand Alliance and the worthless pirates during the Multiverse War. The shock and rage that the Admiral felt when told of the terms of the Armistice just when triumph was so close. As the Order collapsed and other Fleets lost cohesion, the Admiral kept his head and his command together through intimidation and leadership. The Arcane Theocracy would need a fleet and the Admiral believed with theirs intact they could negotiate to be the core of it. The instinct proved right with the Theocracy accepting the Admiral and their airships no questions asked. Successfully navigating the adjustment to Theocracy and House of Swords service the Admiral now believes it time to advance again.

The Aspiring Admiral is an ambitious character that has been challenged and won. As such they believe it is time to move up and with the Shuffling upon the Theocracy and the Grand Marshal rumored to be eying retirement it would appear now is that time indeed.

Special Event Character[]

This character bio is for a Player Character available at the Occularium; A Gathering of Villains special LARP event and as such is available to reserve for play with the purchase of an event ticket. The above information is considered obtainable knowledge of the Character and at the completion of the Occularium event this Character wiki will be updated for future use as source material. In the event this Character may be adopted for regular play by an event participant the future development of this Character bio will be their privilege.