Steampunk Multiverse Wiki

The Red Fork Empire holds sway and influence in numerous Realties, timelines, and dimensions.

The Red Fork Empire is one of the most ancient and powerful entities in the Multiverse. Across all three Spheres it's name demands respect and few dare challenge it.


The History of the Red Fork Empire is shrouded in mystery and conflicting historical accounts. It is believed to be as old as the Multiverse itself with the enigmatic Emperor being one of the oldest beings in the Multiverse who is believed to have witnessed the birth of the first alternate Reality to split off from Genesis. Scholars argue as to whether these tales have any validity or if they are merely imperial propaganda. It is confirmed that the Red Fork Emperor is a elder being of unknown origin who possesses great power and knowledge of long forgotten eras. His existence alone lends much credence to Red Fork Empire lore.

Wars with The Dull[]

The Emperor has called the citizens of Empire to crusade against their ancient enemy, The Dull, for eons. Multiple wars have been waged by the Imperial Legions and Aetheral Armada to beat back The Dull and preserve the Empire and the Multiverse from it's effects. In truth though there have been hundreds of names given to this conflict over the centuries and the battle never truly stops. One world under Imperial rule may be the front lines for decades and secure themselves only to see The Dull strike from an unknown quarter and shift the battle to another Reality in an attempt to shift the balance of power in their conflict. The Red Fork Empire is tireless in their quest to rid the Multiverse of The Dull.

The Great Multiverse War[]

The Red Fork Empire aggressively maintained neutrality during the Multiverse War. This infuriated diplomats in all factions and sides of the War. Regardless of their pleas, bribes, or threats the Emperor was never moved to bring the RFE into the Multiverse War, not even as a peacekeeper. It is believed the various incarnations of the Red Fork Emperor each had favorites they wished to see prevail in the War and the lack of consensus led to the RFE sitting the war out. The only actions engaged in by the RFE in the Multiverse War were the three following campaigns.

The Battle of New Saturn[]

The RFE operated a colony of researchers in the B Sphere Reality of New Saturn (B-73). The Reality was a one world dimension devoid of native sentient beings and the Empire was considering a full colonization effort by sending a team of around 300 Imperial scientists. The Dark Order dispatched the 163rd and 68th Battle Groups to the young Reality to inspect it for a possible incursion into the B Sphere either not knowing or not caring that the Red Fork Empire was there. Upon discovering the research base bearing Imperial colors the Order promptly seized the facility and all of it's staff. The Dark Order had been spoiling for a chance to test the Red Fork Empire for some time and felt this small research facility would be a safe testing ground. They could not have been more wrong. Considerable elements of the Aetheral Armada responded to the crisis and engaged the Order fleets in close quarters ship to ship combat. This had the effect not only of not allowing the Order Fleets to Jump away but also utterly annihilated them down to the last crewman. Upon ascertaining the location from which Reality the battle groups had launched from the Aetheral Armada launched a surprise attack and bombed the aerodrome until nothing but a crater remained.

The Dark Order never tested the Red Fork Empire again.

The Battle of Port Gladius[]

Midway through the War the Grand Alliance was losing badly. Many felt that their salvation lay in bringing the RFE into the war and opening up a new front. To attempt to facilitate this the Britannia Intelligence Service recommended a covert action. The plan was to steal beneficial technology for the war effort from the RFE, study and replicate it, and then frame the Dark Order for the theft. This was labeled Operation: Windfall. While successful in acquiring plans for some of the more advanced RFE weapons designs the operation failed to mask it's trail and Imperial agents quickly learned of the theft and dispatched a team to retrieve the designs. When these agents discovered that the Grand Alliance had secured the materials at Port Gladius, their primary airship support facility and flying fortress it was obvious clandestine retrieval would not be necessary they attempted to negotiate for the materials only to be rebuffed by Grand Alliance personnel.

Twenty four hours later the Aetheral Armada attacked and over whelmed Port Gladius in a viscous assault. Upon retrieving the Imperial research the air fortress was scuttled by collapsing it's anti gravity drive causing it to fall to the ground. Thousands died in the battle and the crash.

The Grand Alliance never engaged the Red Fork Empire again for the duration of the War and Grand Alliance representatives were forced to publicly admit to espionage against the Empire at the signing of the The Accords.

The Imperial Campaign against Piracy[]

The Red Fork Empire has always maintained a strong dislike for pirates. Although some incarnations of the Emperor have made use of privateers and issued Letters of Marque from time to time. However generally the Red Fork Empire has held a strict anti piracy policy.

During the Multiverse War elements of the Renegade Armada operated secret bases and supply ports in the far flung corners of the Empire. Some raiding was conducted by the pirate fleets in RFE trading lanes during the early days of the War but when the principle powers of the conflict entered into full scale interdimensional military deployment the Empire cracked down on piracy and smuggling in the Empire. Pirate fleets tested their luck with the Aetheral Armada at first but could not compete with their superior weaponry and numbers. Pirate captains soon learned to hunt elsewhere.

Current Status[]

The exact reach and control of the Red Fork Empire over the Realities of the Multiverse are hard to define. Some timelines are openly ruled by the RFE and some are merely puppets controlled from the shadows. Realties that swear Fealty to the RFE usually have large organizations and factions from within the Empire in their populations and some whole worlds are dominated by various sub factions and nobility of the Empire. It is said it is easier to identify that which is not under Imperial control than what is as the RFE refuses to exchange charts and navigational data with other large governing factions in the Multiverse such as the Arcane Theocracy or the Grand Alliance of Free Worlds for fear of military entanglement or trade competition. As fluid as they are the RFE's borders are aggressively guarded by the Aetheral Armada, the Imperial Legions, and several other Imperial organizations too numerous to mention.