Steampunk Multiverse Wiki

“Masters of the Faith”


The House of Rods within the Arcane Theocracy

The elder House by all accounts is the House of Rods. It was the ancient rod wielding arcane mages that formed the original Theocracy in the ancient ages. It was the House of Rods that reintroduced the Enshrined Tenets of Villainy to the Multiverse and reformed the Theocracy after the Multiverse War. They are the most powerful House in the Theocracy but now that the empire is built the Rods have little to do but enforce the faith and suspiciously eye the other Houses.

Known Villains associated with the House of Rods

King of Rods- The Cardinal

Queen of Rods- The Prioress

Page of Rods- The Monsignor

Knight of Rods- The Inquisitor

Evangelist of Evil

Dark Prophet

Antiquities Collector

Treasurer Taker

Demonic Pawn


Work House Master

Dark Crusader

Clerical Con Artist

Scribe of Secrets