Steampunk Multiverse Wiki

Dr. Adams is a medical researcher and engineer originally from an A Sphere world, but because he is a Time-Walker, he has traveled across time, space, and the multiverse. Unfortunately, his family is rumored to be dead or missing, so he lacks attachment to his home world.


  • High School Diploma: The Governor's Academy, Byfield, MA
  • BS/BS/MS - Chemistry/Physics/Engineering - Worcester Polytechnical Institute, Worcester, MA
  • MS/MS/MS - Chemistry/Physics/Engineering - Tufts University, Medford, MA
  • Doctorate - Physics - Boston College, Boston, MA
  • MD/Ph.D. - Medicine/Biophysics - Miskatonic University Medical School, Arkham, MA (C Sphere world)

Post Educational Life[]

  • After he completed his education, he started traveling the multiverse looking for opportunity and adventure.
    • Dr. Adams originally had contacts with other A sphere worlds, working on lightening based weapons to bolster their armaments during conflicts with their neighboring countries on their planet.
  • Dr. Adams did branch out into explosives at one point with devastating effects.
    • Cthulhu cultists and Ctharians were besieging one reality.
  • Dr. Adams assisted them by giving them two different explosives to try with the warning that they NEVER use the two together for ANY reason.
      • The government used them together for their final assault on the cultists during an awakening ceremony.
      • Using the explosives together created a geometric increase in power, leveling the regional capital.
      • The fire was so intense and bright that it was described as a red dragon descending and laying waste to that city.
    • The moniker of the red dragon has followed Dr. Adams ever since. He even has adopted that into the style of his clothing and accessories.
  • Dr. Adams disappeared for some time, regrouping and developing a new strategy.
  • Dr. Adams was a free agent for a time and has been used as a messenger and intervention agent by both ENIGMA and The Arcane Theocracy.
  • Dr. Adams' main goal is to rescue poor Prometheans from humans who do not understand them and give them a home where they can exist.
    • Dr. Adams maintains a charity called PHWP, Palealoge Home for Wayward Prometheans, named after his mother's family.
  • It is rumored that Dr. Adams maintains an army of Prometheans that he can move around the multiverse through the time-walker web ways
    • This is unfounded, but Dr. Adams is usually seen whenever a Promethean is discovered and wreaking havoc.
    • Soon after the Promethean is no longer around, neither is Dr. Adams.
  • To fund this endeavor, Dr. Adams relies on weapons development, logistics, and other occupations to keep his operations fully funded.
    • One such weapon that is attributed to Dr. Adams is the condensed lightning bomb. Dr. Adams has a known lightning pistol he has been seen using. This takes that power, concentrates it, and stores it for use later.
  • He is currently a member of the White Rose Consortium, a group with varied interests, but they pool talent and resources to accomplish common goals.
    • The Consortium can gather goods/resources and move them around the multiverse on or off the books.
    • ENIGMA has many questions about the Consortium but is observing them for now.